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. 2010 Apr 27;2010:248948. doi: 10.1155/2010/248948

Table 2.

Associations of polymorphisms in the GHRL gene.

SNP Risk allele Association Subjects References
Leu72Met Met72 Lower age of onset of self-reported obesity 96 obese and 96 normal-weight Swedish women [72]

Leu72Met Met72 Higher frequency in Whites than in Blackslower BMI, fat mass, visceral fat, total TG and RQ; higher IGF-1 levels in Blacks 784 French-Canadian subjects (Quebec Family Study) 778 subjects (276 Blacks and 502 Whites; HERITAGE Family Study) [73]
Arg51Gln Gln51 Not observed among Blacks 1442 subjects (741 from obese registry, 701 from normal reference population; SOS)

Leu72Met Met72 Higher BMI, earlier age of onset of obesity and reduced first phase insulin secretion 70 tall and obese children [74]

Gln90Leu Gln90 Higher frequency in obese children, but also in underweight students 215 extremely obese German children and adolescents, 93 normal-weight students,134 underweight students, 44 normal-weight adults [75]

Leu72Met Met72 Lower serum creatinine and lipoprotein a levels 258 Finnish Caucasians with T2D and 522 controls [76]

Arg51Gln Gln51 Risk allele for hypertension and T2D; predictor of 2-h plasma glucose in OGTT; lower IGF-1 and higher IGFBP-1 concentrations in normotensives; lower AUC insulin 519 hypertensive and 526 normotensive Finnish Caucasians [77]

Leu72Met Met72 In obese/overweight: higher neonatal weight-for-age; earlier age at onset of obesity; higher IGF-1 concentration. 81 obese or overweight and 96 normal-weight Italian children and adolescents and 72 normal-weight young adults [6]

4427G>A G Diffuse large cell lymphoma 684 healthy controls and 308 North American subjects with non-Hodgkin Lymphoma [78]

Arg51Gln Gln51 Lower MetS frequencyHigher fasting glucose,TG, and frequency of MetS and lower HDL cholesterol 856 Old Order Amish from US [79]
Leu72Met Met72

Leu72Met Met72 More depressed and anxious in patients with methamphetamine dependence. No association with methamphetamine dependence 118 Koreans with methamphetamine dependence, 144 controls [80]

Leu72Met No association with obesity 222 obese Korean children [81]

C Lower HDL cholesterol
All four SNPs: no association with T2D
760 T2D and 641 nondiabetic Koreans [82]

Leu72Met Leu72 Higher TG, fasting insulin and HOMA-IR. Higher fasting insulin and HOMA-IR 1420 Caucasians (500 normal weight and 920 overweight/obese) [83]
−604>C/T C

Leu72Met Met72 Lower allele frequency in diabetic nephropathy with renal dysfunction. Lower total cholesterol levels in patients with diabetic nephropathy with renal dysfunction 138 subjects with diabetic nephropathy, 69 diabetics without nephropathy [84]

Leu72Met Met72 Lower creatinine levels in diabetic group. No association with T2D 206 T2D, 80 controls [28]

−501A>C A Higher BMI 1045 Finnish subjects from the Oulu Project Elucidating Risk for Atherosclerosis (OPERA) study [85]

Leu72Met No association with weight loss 771 obese Caucasian Europeans [86]

Leu72Met Met72 Higher allele frequency in higher BMI group than in normal-weight group. Higher BMI, waist circumference, and change in body weight from age 18 2238 middle-aged and older Japanese people [87]
Leu72Met Met72 Lower BMI in CAD patients but no association with CAD, no association with hypertension, T2D, or dyslipidaemia 317 Chinese CAD patients, 323 controls [88]

Leu72Met Met72 Higher scores on Drive for Thinness-Body Dissatisfaction subscale 264 Japanese women [89]
3056T > C C Higher weight, BMI, fat mass, waist circumference, sum of skinfold thicknesses, self-reported past min and max BMIs and lower HDL chol

Gln51 Higher cholesterol levels over time. Subjects with Gln51and /or Met72 lost body weight faster than patients with Arg51/Leu72 210 hemodialysed patients prospectively followed up to 15 months [90]

Leu72Met Met72 Persons with 72Met allele have lower risk to develop T2DM 507 persons with IGT: the Finnish diabetes prevention study [91]

−604G/A G Persons with the most common genotype combination of the SNPs 604G/-501A/, Leu72/GLN90 have significantly lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure at baseline and during the 3-year follow-up 507 persons with IGT: the Finnish diabetes prevention study [92]
−501A/C A
Leu72Met Leu72
GLN90Leu GLN90