Figure 3. Low-level DAB2 and high-level TGFB2 expression correlate with poor survival in HNSCC.
(A, C, and D) Microarray analyses of 68 primary HNSCC tumor samples were assessed for expression of DAB2 (A), TGFB2 (C), and both (D). Tumor samples were separated after automated discretization into high- and low-level groups, and overall patient survival was assessed using univariate Cox and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. (A) Low-level DAB2 mRNA expression correlates with poor survival (P = 0.036). (B) A subset of tumors analyzed in A were assessed for DAB2 protein levels by immunohistochemistry and histoscore analysis. Patients were separated into high-level groups (DAB2 histoscore, >70) and DAB2 low-level groups, and overall patient survival was assessed using univariate Cox and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Low-level DAB2 protein expression correlates with poor survival (P = 0.033). (C) High-level TGFB2 mRNA expression correlates with poor survival (P = 0.03). (D) Patients harboring tumors that express low-level DAB2 mRNA and high-level TGFB2 mRNA have the worst prognosis (P = 0.035).