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. 2010 Jul 29;6(7):e1001030. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1001030

Table 6. Glycoprotein integrations sites.

Specie Total Number of BLAST hits Hits that have no retroviral gag, pol, and LTR elements1) Virus2) Glycoprotein residues BLAST E-value and percent identity
Human 1 chr1: 46259885–46260178 Bornavirus 32–126 1E-07/37%
Chimp 1 chr1: 46259885–46260178 Bornavirus 32–126 6E-08/38%
Baboon 1 on several partial scaffolds Bornavirus 6–155 3E-13/38%
Gorilla 1 gene scaffold 2544: 11117–11408 Bornavirus 59–155 6E-11/43%
Macaque 1 chr1: 48,422,406–48,422,783 Bornavirus 6–126 1E-10/35%
Tarsier 7 scaffold 99624:1,564–1,884 Reston Ebolavirus 497–610 2E-11/30%
Kangaroo rat 1 scaffold 40120: 1783–2128 Marburgvirus 509–628 4E-08/40%
Stickleback 1 chrVIII: 8,031,996–8,032,262 Reston Ebolavirus 533–628 2E-07/32%
Shrew 4 scaffold 231484:15,984–16,259 Reston Ebolavirus 559–648 3E-06/29%
Horse 13 chr10: 13,359,493–13,359,900 Reston Ebolavirus 508–652 3E-06/27%
Zebrafish 10 chr15: 6,268,907–6,269,284 Sudan Ebolavirus 516–651 3E-05/27%
zv8_NA3400: 7,797–8.099 Reston Ebolavirus 519–628 2E-07/32%
Tetraodon 1 chr1:15,715,939–15,716,202 Zaire Ebolavirus 532–626 1E-06/29%
Fugu 1 chrUn:120,943,623–120,943,895 Zaire Ebolavirus 530–627 1E-07/31%
Sloth 4 None
Cow 1 None
Squirrel 1 None
Platypus 3 None
Chicken 8 None
Zebrafinch 21 None

All regions were tested for nearby gag, pol, and LTR elements to eliminate sequences of retroviral origin, as described in the methods section.


Only the most similar strain of virus is shown for filovirus-like integrations.