Figure 3. Effect of anti-VEGF antibody on pmel-1-Ly5.1 cell infiltration into B16 tumor following ACT.
(A) The percent of infiltrating Ly5.1+PI- cells into B16 melanoma on day 4 post cell transfer was significantly increased in mice administered with 200μg or 500μg anti-VEGF antibody compared to mice receiving 500μg rat IgG. (B) The total number of infiltrating Ly5.1+PI- cells was also increased in mice receiving 200μg and 500μg α-VEGF compared to mice receiving 500μg rat IgG. (C) and (D) A repeat experiment evaluating the infiltration of transferred Ly5.1 pmel-1 cells on days 3, 4, 5 and 6 gave a similar result. Thus, prior administration of α-VEGF to B16 tumor bearing mice receiving ACT significantly enhances tumor infiltration of the adoptively transferred pmel-1 cells.