Table 2.
Origins, insertions and functional groups for the major muscles of the chicken (Gallus gallus) pelvic limb.
Muscle (abbreviation) | Origin | Insertion | Functional group |
M. iliotibialis cranialis (IC) | Dorsal iliac crest (cranial end of ilium) | Medial side of patella tendon | Hip flexor, knee extensor |
M. iliotibialis lateralis postacetabularis (PIL) | Dorsal and dorsolateral region of iliac crest | Distal end of femur, on patella tendon | Hip abductor, hip extensor, knee extensor |
M. iliotibialis lateralis preacetabularis (AIL) | Dorsal and dorsolateral region of iliac crest | Cranial aspect of distal femur by aponeurosis over FMTM | Hip abductor, hip flexor, knee extensor |
M. iliofibularis (ILFB) | Dorsolateral region of postacetabular ilium | Lateral surface of fibula | Hip extensor, hip abductor, knee flexor |
M. flexor cruris lateralis pelvica (FCLP) | Caudal end of ilium and adjacent caudal vertebrae | Femur and tibiotarsus via pars accessoria | Hip extensor, hip abductor, knee flexor |
M. flexor cruris lateralis accessoria (FCLA) | Extension of FCLP | Distal end of femur, intercondylar region and proximal tibiotarsus | Hip extensor, hip abductor |
M. flexor cruris medialis (FCM) | Caudolateral surface of edge of ischium | Proximal tibiotarsus, medial aspect | Hip extensor, hip abductor, knee flexor |
M. caudofemoralis pars caudalis (CFC) | Ventrolateral surface of pygostyle | Proximal femur shaft, caudal aspect | Hip extensor |
M. caudofemoralis pars pelvica (CFP) | Lateral ridge of ilium and ventrolateral surface of ischium | Proximal femur shaft, caudal aspect | Hip extensor |
M. ischiofemoralis (ISF) | Lateral surface of ischium | Lateral surface of trochanteric crest | Hip extensor, lateral rotator |
M. iliofemoralis externus (IFE) | Lateral ridge (processus supratrochantericus) of supra-acetabular ilium | Lateral surface of trochanteric crest | Hip abductor |
M. iliofemoralis internus (IFI) | Ventral surface of ilium, deep to origin of ITM | Caudomedial surface of the proximal end of the femur | Hip flexor, hip adductor |
M. iliotrochantericus caudalis (ITC) | Lateral surface of preacetabular ilium fossa | Lateral surface of trochanteric crest | Hip flexor, medial rotator |
M. iliotrochantericus cranialis (ITCR) | Ventral edge of preacetabular ilium | Lateral surface of trochanteric crest, distal to ITC | Hip flexor, medial rotator |
M. iliotrochantericus medius (ITM) | Ventral surface of ilium, caudal to ITCR | Lateral surface of trochanteric crest, caudal aspect | Hip flexor, medial rotator |
M. obturatorius (O) | Ventral portion of ischium, part of pubis and ilium (postacetabular pelvis) | Lateral surface of trochanteric crest | Hip flexor, lateral rotator, adductor |
M. puboischiofemoralis pars lateralis (PIFL) | Pubis | Lateral side of shaft of femur | Hip extensor |
M. puboischiofemoralis pars medialis (PIFM) | Pubis | Medial side of shaft of femur | Hip extensor |
M. ambiens (AMB) | Pectineal (preacetabular) process of ilium | Lateral head of fibula, underneath FPD II | Hip flexor, hip adductor, knee extensor |
M. femorotibialis lateralis (FMTL) | Lateral surface of femur | Lateral side of proximal end of tibiotarsus via patella tendon | Knee extensor |
M. femorotibialis medialis (FMTM) | Lateral and cranial surface of femur | Proximal end of tibiotarsus via patella tendon | Knee extensor |
M. femorotibialis intermedius (FMTIM) | Medial surface of femur | Medial side of proximal end of tibiotarsus | Knee extensor |
M. gastrocnemius pars lateralis (GL) | Lateral side of distal end of femur | Tarsometatarsus via common tendon with GM, GIM and FCLA | Knee flexor, ankle extensor |
M. gastrocnemius pars medialis (GM) | Around patella tendon, and cranial aspect of tibiotarsus | Tarsometatarsus via common tendon with GL, GIM and FCLA | Knee flexor, ankle extensor |
M. gastrocnemius pars intermedia (GIM) | Medial condyle of femur | Tarsometatarsus via common tendon with GL, GM and FCLA | Knee flexor, ankle extensor |
M. fibularis longus (FL) | Proximal end of tibiotarsus | Proximolateral corner of tibial cartilage and tendon of flexores perforati digiti III | Ankle extensor, digit flexor |
M. fibularis brevis (FB) | Craniolateral surface of tibiotarsus and cranial and medial surface of fibula | Lateral aspect of proximal tarsometatarsus | Ankle medial rotator and abductor |
M. tibialis cranialis caput femorale (TCF) | Lateral condyle of femur | Cranial surface of proximal tarsometatarsus | Knee extensor, ankle flexor |
M. tibialis cranialis caput tibiale (TCT) | Anterior tibial crest | Cranial surface of proximal tarsometatarsus | Ankle flexor |
M. plantaris (PLT) | Caudomedial side of proximal end of tibiotarsus | Medial side of tibial cartilage, proximal end | Unknown |
M. popliteus (POP) | Caudomedial surface of head of fibula | Caudal surface of proximal part of tibiotarsus | Unknown; tibia/fibula rotator |
M. extensor digitorum longus (EDL) | Cranial surface of tibiotarsus | Phalanges of digits II, III and IV, distal end of distal phalanx | Ankle flexor, digit extensor |
M. flexor digitorum longus (FDL) | Caudal surface of tibiotarsus | Phalanges of digits II, III and IV, distal end of distal phalanx | Ankle extensor, digit flexor |
M. flexor hallucis longus (FHL) | Caudal surface of distal end of femur | Distal phalanx of the hallux | Knee flexor, ankle extensor, digit flexor |
M. flexores perforantes et perforati digiti II (FPPD II) | Lateral condyle of femur | Digit II, distal end of intermediate phalanx | Knee flexor, ankle extensor, digit flexor |
M. flexores perforantes et perforati digiti III (FPPD III) | Lateral condyle of femur, adjacent to FPPD II | Digit III, proximal end of proximal phalanx | Knee flexor, ankle extensor, digit flexor |
M. flexores perforati digiti II (FPD II) | Head of fibula via patella tendon, lateral aspect | Digit II, proximal end of proximal phalanx | Ankle extensor, digit flexor |
M. flexores perforati digiti III (FPD III) | Adjacent to FPD II, caudally | Digit III, distal end of intermediate phalanx | Ankle extensor, digit flexor |
M. flexores perforati digiti IV (FPD IV) | Lateral condyle of femur | Digit IV, proximal end of intermediate phalanx | Knee flexor, ankle extensor, digit flexor |