Phosphorylation of AktSer473 (A), AktThr308 (B), TSC2Thr1462 (C), mTORSer2448 (D), S6K1Thr389 (E), and 4E-BP1Thr37/46 (F) in the skeletal muscle of two groups of healthy young subjects at baseline (biopsy 1 at 120 min, Bx1), and during local insulin infusion (biopsy 3 at 330 min, Bx3; and biopsy 4 at 420 min, Bx4) in one leg with (l-NMMA, n = 7) or without (control, n = 7) concomitant infusion of the eNOS inhibitor l-NMMA. Blots for phosphorylated and total proteins are from a single representative control and l-NMMA subject, respectively. Data are the mean ± se. *, P < 0.05 vs. baseline; #, P < 0.05 vs. control. AU, Arbitrary units.