Figure 4. PARP-inhibitor and cisplatin- resistant BRCA2 defective cells and tumours respond to 6-thioguanine.
Clonogenic survival in BRCA2 defective V-C8, BRCA2 complemented V-C8+B2 and V-C8 PARP inhibitor resistant clones following treatment (a) PARP inhibitor AG014699; (b) cisplatin; (c) 6TG. The average and standard deviation of at least three experiments is shown. (d) Tumour outgrowth in xenograft mice following injection of PIR V-C8 clone 2B upon i.p. treatment with 6TG and PARP inhibitor. 6TG retards PIR V-C8 clone 2B tumour outgrowth (statistically significant in Mann Whitney test p<0.01). The average and standard error from ten mice in each group is shown.