Figure 6. BRCA2 suppresses 6TG toxicity in mismatch repair deficient cells.
(a) Survival following continuous treatment with PARP inhibitor ANI, 6TG and cisplatin in HCT116 and HCT116+Ch3 cells. (b) γH2AX foci formation in hMLH1 defective HCT116 and hMLH1 complemented HCT116+Ch3 cells after a 24 hour treatment with 6TG and cisplatin or a 4 hour treatment with PARP inhibitor ANI. (c) Clonogenic survival in HCT116 and BRCA2 depleted HCT116 to increasing doses of 6TG. The average and standard deviation of three independent experiments is depicted. Values marked with asterisks are statistically significant in T-test (*** p<0.001).