Fig. 1.
Genotyping and sEH tissue distribution. A, representative genotypic analysis of Ephx2(−/−) mice. Genomic DNA was isolated from mouse tails. The polymerase chain reaction products of Ephx2(−/−), Ephx2(+/−), and Ephx2(+/+) mice showed, respectively, a 160-bp band, 160- and 510-bp bands, and a 510-bp band. B, tissue distribution of sEH protein from Ephx2(+/+) and Ephx2(−/−) mice. Western blot analysis showed the expression of sEH protein in the kidney, liver, heart, spleen, lung, and islets of Ephx2(+/+) mice. In contrast, sEH protein expression was absent from the tissues in Ephx2(−/−) mice. Based on protein standards (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA), the size of sEH protein is approximately 62 kDa. C, different concentrations of recombinant murine sEH (20–80 ng) and protein (40–160 μg) of Ephx2(+/+) islets for Western blot analysis. D, Western blot of sEH in NIT-1 cells (50 μg of protein) and mouse kidneys (3 μg of protein).