RT-PCR products of GluR6 transcripts and cDNAs. Total RNA was amplified with primers F1 and R1 and cloned into pCDNA3.1+ vector. The PCR products of total RNA from GM03468A cells (lane 1), inserts from representative clones (lanes 3–7) from cDNA library prepared from cDNA in lane 1, and size markers (lanes 2 and 8) were run on agarose gels and the ethidium bromide stained gels were photographed. The photograph shows 2.859kb variant C (lane 3), 2.156 kb variant D (lane 4), 2.298 kb variant E (lane 5), 2.814kb variant B (lane 7). Lane 6 contains a ~ 2.5 kb clone with editing of base A to G at position 236 creating a Kpn1 site. Digestion with the Kpn1, the enzyme used to release the cloned insert, removes 236 bases from the end of the clone.