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. 2010 Jun 21;6:17. doi: 10.1186/1746-4269-6-17

Table 5.

Description of cluster of species elicited through hierarchical cluster analysis (n = 10)

Cluster Number of items Overall Frequency Std. Dev. (overall frequency) Frequent Taxa Label Typical preparations Description
CoP-A 8 4.6 3.4 Taraxacum sp.leaves; Urtica dioica kräuter Löwenzahnsalat (Röhrlsalat); Brennnesselspinat; Flowers and leaves, rarely listed and rarely gathered, used as condiment, in soups or salads, gathered in spring
CoP-B 5 5 2 Taraxacum sp. flowers; Sambucus nigra fruits and flowers no label Löwenzahnhonig; Gebackene Holunderblüten; Holunderkoch; Fruits and flowers, gathered rarely, often used in unique preparations
CoP-C 6 8.3 4.3 Cantharellus cibarius; Boletus edulis; schwammerl Schwammerlsuppe; Schwammersauce; Schwammerlgulasch; Mushrooms, very frequently listed and gathered, prepared with eggs, with rice, fried, as a sauce or breaded
CoP-D 5 8.8 2.4 Rubus subgenus Rubus spp.; Fragaria vesca; Rubus idaeus; beeren Raw; Marmalade; Fruchtmilch; Fruchtjoghurt; Fruits, frequently listed and gathered, consumed raw, as jam or with milk (products), gathered from cultivated plants as well;