Fig. 3. In vivo activation of AMPs in hemocytes and fat body of M. sexta larvae by LPS, LTA and PG.
M. sexta 5th instar naïve larvae were injected with saline, or with LPS-K12, PG-K12, LTA-BS, PG-BS, LTA-SA or PG-SA (20 μg per larva), and hemocytes and fat body were collected at 24h post-injection. Expression of Attacin, Lebocin and Moricin mRNAs in the fat body (A–C) and hemocytes (D–F) was analyzed by Real-time PCR. The bars represent the mean of three individual measurements ± S.E.M. Asterisks (*) indicate significant difference compared to the saline-injection group. Significance between two groups was indicated by a horizontal line and p value was shown above the line.