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. 2010 Apr 7;11(3):515–524. doi: 10.1007/s10162-010-0216-5


Comparison of the cognitive and auditory profiles for control vs. dyslexic subjects, and for dyslexic subjects from the D+ (normal pitch contour identification) vs. D- (deficit in pitch contour identification) groups; Correlation of pitch identification scores with measures of cognitive function and temporal auditory processing

Comparison of the cognitive and auditory profiles Correlation with pitch identification scores
Measure Controls Dyslexics C/D Dyslexics D+ Dyslexics D− D+/D− Controls Dyslexics
p value p value p value ρ p value ρ
Reading and spelling accuracy
Reading real words (words per minute) 97.9 (10.5) 63.9 (10.6) <0.0001 64.1 (10.8) 63.6 (10.5) 0.9089 0.6154 (−0.0939) 0.2776 (−0.2013)
Reading nonwords (words per minute) 61.8 (10.0) 31.8 (5.8) <0.0001 32.4 (5.3) 30.4 (7.0) 0.4103 0.4889 (0.1291) 0.4686 (0.1351)
Spelling real words (correct words) 25.0 (2.1)a 16.9 (3.7) <0.0001 16.5 (3.8)a 18.0 (3.2) 0.2916 0.5760 (0.1045) 0.2803 (−0.2002)
Rapid automatized naming (RAN)
RAN colors (s) 26.2 (3.4) 32.7 (6.3) <0.0001 31.0 (3.9) 37.0 (8.8) 0.0126 0.5531 (−0.1107) 0.8107 (−0.0448)
RAN objects (s) 29.5 (2.9) 36.2 (5.6) <0.0001 35.6 (5.6) 37.8 (5.6) 0.3235 0.7422 (0.0616) 0.4021 (−0.1560)
RAN digits (s) 18.3 (3.1)a 24.7 (5.1) <0.0001 23.1 (4.3) 28.7 (4.7) 0.0035 0.5250 (−0.1186) 0.1232 (−0.2828)
RAN letters (s) 17.1 (2.8) 25.1 (5.8) <0.0001 23.4 (5.1) 29.2 (5.6) 0.0087 0.1842 (−0.2449) 0.2289 (−0.2225)
Mean RAN reaction time (s) 22.8 (2.5) 29.7 (4.7) <0.0001 28.3 (3.8) 33.2 (4.9) 0.0059 0.4932 (−0.1278) 0.2542 (−0.2111)
Phonemic awareness
Phoneme deletion (% correct) 89.8 (9.0)a 81.9 (10.9) 0.0024 83.7 (8.7) 77.6 (14.7) 0.1578 0.8770 (0.0290) 0.9112 (0.0209)
Spoonerisms (% correct) 82.4 (10.4) 69.8 (14.9)a 0.0006 83.1 (10.8) 80.7 (9.8) 0.5713 0.3297 (0.1811) 0.2762 (0.2018)
Working memory
Digit span (correct items) 14.3 (2.3) 11.6 (2.0) <0.0001 11.6 (2.0) 11.6 (2.0) 0.9205 0.5171 (0.1209) 0.5463 (0.1126)
Nonword repetition (correct items) 25.6 (4.8)a 20.8 (4.8) 0.0004 21.9 (4.8) 18.3 (3.9) 0.0608 0.0138 (0.4376) 0.2285 (0.2227)
Intellectual functioning
IQ score (Wechsler 1999) 106.3 (9.6)a 107.8 (12.6) 0.6034 110.5 (12.3) 101.2 (11.4) 0.0636 0.1637 (0.2565) 0.2069 (0.2331)
Psychoacoustic performance
Tone-in-noise detection (dB) −9.4 (1.5) −9.4 (1.6) 0.8848 −9.5 (1.6) −9.2 (1.6) 0.6946 0.8221 (0.0421) 0.6134 (−0.0944)
Temporal auditory processing
FM detection, 2 Hz (Hz) 4.7 (1.9)a 5.1 (2.3)a 0.5435 4.9 (2.3) 5.4 (2.5) 0.6332 0.6196 (−0.0928) 0.7621 (−0.0567)
Frequency JND, 490 Hz (%) 1.6 (1.7)a 1.9 (1.5)a 0.3272 1.2 (0.9)a 3.8 (1.6) 0.0001 0.0521 (−0.3521) 0.0001 (−0.6379)

For each measure in the comparison of the cognitive and auditory profiles, the mean and standard deviation (in brackets) for both groups are given, as well as a p value resulting from a two-sample t test (paired for C/D, unpaired for D+/D−). Normality of the data was verified using a Shapiro–Wilk test. When normality was rejected at a 5% significance level for at least one of the groups, a nonparametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used instead of a t test. For each measure in the correlation of pitch identification scores with measures of cognitive function and temporal auditory processing, Spearman’s ρ and the corresponding p value are given for each group. Total pitch identification scores with all stimulus configurations were used. For additional details about the auditory measures, see Appendix 1

aNormality was rejected at a 5% significance level