Figure 3.
(A) In vivo imaging of mouse ears with intradermal tumor region (circled) 9 days after implantation. Images were acquired by raster-scanning method at 21 μm per pixel, providing high resolution of tumor area. The cypate-PFC-tNPs long plasma residence time and delayed extravasation relative to cypate-cRGDfK vasculature was demonstrated by visibility of blood vessels for more than 4 hours after injection. (B) Whole-body NIR fluorescence images of mice bearing subcutaneous 4T1luc tumor 24 hours after injection of ανβ3-targeted cypate-cRGDfK (left) or targeted NIR fluorescent nanoparticles cypate-PFC-tNPs (right). (C) Fluorescence biodistribution imaging of ex vivo tissues 24 hours after fluorescent probe injection.