Figure 1.
Phylograms estimated for the Indoplanorbis exustus populations sampled (with clade support values) A. Phylogeny estimated by maximum likelihood. Numbers assigned to each node are bootstrap support values in the maximum likelihood analysis (5000 replicates); the numbers following in parentheses represent the posterior probability that the hypothesis represented by this bi-partition, and under all parameters of the model, is correct, given the observed data in a corresponding Bayesian analysis implemented using MrBayes. Clades referred to in text (and Table 2) are given in italics and their bounds indicated by grey or black shaded boxes. B. Phylogeny estimated by a Bayesian method implemented in P4 and with a polytomy prior set to e1.11. Numbers assigned to each node are posterior probabilities for the corresponding bi-partition. The posterior probabilities are scaled here to range from one to 100.