Table 1. Vessel measurements.
New blood vessels were counted and their length and diameter were estimated using the software Amira. Changes in the length and diameter of the pre-existing vessels proximal to the glioma were also calculated between the first and the last MRA time point (about 23 days after cell implantation for the orthotopic implantation models and at 30 weeks of age for the ENU induction model), and represented here as mean ± SD.
CTRL | C6 | F98 | 9L | GL261 | RG2 | U87 | ENU | ||
Newly observed vessels | Number | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4±2* | 2±1* | 5±1.5* | 5±1** | 1±1 |
Average length (μm) | - | - | - | 1321 | 765 | 997 | 1126 | 1470 | |
Average diameter (μm) | - | - | - | 68.5 | 74.5 | 69 | 65.4 | 81.3 | |
Pre-existing vessels | Change in length (%) | −7±13 | 31±22*** | 94±75* | 30±34* | 41±81 | 8±25 | 24±58 | 19±40 |
Change in diameter (%) | −7±11 | 40±23*, *** | 45±52 | 18±25* | 83±54** | 4±45 | 8±16* | 1±13 |
Number of new vessels:
p < 0.05 between the group of interest and the CTRL/C6 groups;
p < 0.01 between the group of interest and the CTRL/C6/F98/GL261/ENU groups.
Change in length:
p < 0.05 between the group of interest and the CTRL animals;
p < 0.001 between the C6 and the CTRL groups.
Change in diameter:
p < 0.05 between the C6 model and the GL261/RG2/U87 groups, between the 9L/LacZ and the CTRL groups, and between the U87 and the CTRL groups;
p < 0.01 between the GL261 model and the 9L/LacZ/RG2/U87 groups;
p < 0.001 between the C6 and the CTRL/ENU groups.