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. 2010 May 21;171(12):1250–1261. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwq088

Table 2.

Results From Modelinga of Excess Odds Ratios for Cancers of the Oral Cavity, Pharynx, and Larynx According to Cigarette Smoking (Pack-Years and Cigarettes/Day), by Body Mass Index Category, Derived Using Case-Control Data From the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology Consortium

Variable Oral Cavity and Pharyngeal Cancer Cases and Controls
Laryngeal Cancer Cases and Controls
Parameter Estimate
Effect Modification by BMIb
Parameter Estimate
Effect Modification by BMI
βf φ1f φ2f BMI Times:c ΔDeviance (no.)d P Valuee βf φ1f φ2f BMI Times:c ΔDeviance (no.)d P Valuee
Never Smokers and Current Smokers of Cigarettes Only
Total 0.0170 1.436 −0.270 0.2811 0.270 −0.025
    <18.5 0.0184 2.889 −0.635 Both 0 (12) 67.30 −2.845 0.335 Both 0 (12)
    18.5–24.9 0.3441 −0.262 0.006 Cigarettes/day 10.2 (9) 0.02 0.5546 −0.121 0.057 Cigarettes/day 18.9 (9) <0.01
    25.0–29.9 0.0003 3.647 −0.593 Pack-years 14.3 (6) 0.03 0.1238 0.925 −0.162 Pack-years 25.6 (6) <0.01
    ≥30 0.0015 2.192 −0.345 None 72.5 (3) <0.01 4.70 × 10−11 13.54 −1.942 None 29.7 (3) <0.01
BMI (omitting <18.5)
    18.5–24.9 0.3971 −0.334 0.017 Both 0 (9) 0.5783 −0.176 0.072 Both 0 (9)
    25.0–29.9 0.0003 3.567 −0.581 Cigarettes/day 11.0 (7) <0.01 0.1535 0.768 −0.132 Cigarettes/day 14.5 (7) <0.01
    ≥30 0.0014 2.228 −0.347 Pack-years 8.3 (5) 0.08 3.64 × 10−9 13.68 −1.962 Pack-years 16.8 (5) <0.01
None 60.4 (3) <0.01 None 18.8 (3) <0.01
Never Smokers and Current Smokers of ≥10 Cigarettes/Day
Total 0.0019 2.779 −0.470 0.0004 4.314 −0.645
    <18.5 0.4099 0.940 −0.388 Both 0 (12) 105.80 −2.615 0.220 Both 0 (12)
    18.5–24.9 0.0027 2.758 −0.453 Cigarettes/day 0.9 (9) 0.82 0.0092 2.411 −0.327 Cigarettes/day 6.9 (9) 0.08
    25.0–29.9 0.0004 3.388 −0.557 Pack-years 7.4 (6) 0.29 0.0001 5.138 −0.805 Pack-years 12.3 (6) 0.08
    ≥30 0.0103 1.093 −0.189 None 64.4 (3) <0.01 7.70 × 10−11 13.19 −1.884 None 15.3 (3) 0.08
BMI (omitting <18.5)
    18.5–24.9 0.0031 2.668 −0.440 Both 0 (9) 0.0092 2.383 −0.317 Both 0 (9)
    25.0–29.9 0.0005 3.293 −0.541 Cigarettes/day 0.3 (7) 0.88 0.0001 5.114 −0.799 Cigarettes/day 5.8 (7) 0.06
    ≥30 0.0062 1.384 −0.229 Pack-years 0.5 (5) 0.98 6.85 × 10−8 13.27 −1.898 Pack-years 7.8 (5) 0.10
None 52.5 (3) <0.01 None 9.5 (3) 0.15

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; EOR, excess odds ratio.


Model: EOR = βf d gf (x), with g(x) = exp{φ1 ln(x) + φ2 ln(x)2}, where d is pack-years and x is cigarettes/day. The subscript (f) denotes separate effects for levels of BMI. Results were adjusted for study/center, education, age, sex, BMI, drink-years, and drinks/day.


Weight (kg)/height2 (m2).


Effect modification of BMI by smoking, including: “both,” modification of BMI by pack-years and of BMI by cigarettes/day, βf d gf (x); “cigarettes/day,” modification of BMI by cigarettes/day, β d gf (x); “pack-years,” modification of BMI by pack-years, βf d g(x); and “none,” no effect modification, β d g(x).


Deviance change relative to the 12-parameter model βf d gf (x) and (in parentheses) number of parameters in the EOR.


P value from a likelihood ratio test relative to βf d gf (x), which included BMI modification for pack-years and cigarettes/day.