A and D, sample traces showing mIPSC recordings in control and in thepresence of 1 μm (A) or 2.5 μm (D) exogenous GABA. B and E, cumulative histograms demonstrating that 1 μm (B) and 2.5 μm (E) exogenous GABA do not affect mIPSC distribution (continuous line – control, dashed line – in thepresence of GABA). C and F, statistical data showing that there are no effects of 1 and 2.5 μm exogenous GABA on the median mIPSC amplitudes (n= 8 in both cases). In these experiments, GAT-1 and GAT-2/3 were blocked by NO-711 (10 μm) and SNAP-5114 (40 μm), respectively.