Figure 5.
DipM is required for normal OM geometry. A. Membrane staining (FM4–64) in ΔdipM cells (EG590). Cells were grown in PYE. Bar = 2 µm. B. DipM-123-mCherry foci in cells (EG511) depleted of full-length DipM for 17 h. Foci appeared associated with the cell envelope (arrow) and free on the pads (hatched arrow). Cells were grown in PYE with 0.2% glucose and 0.5 mM vanillate for 17 h prior to imaging. Bar = 2 µm. C. Cryo electron micrographs (i and ii) and tomographic slice (iii) of cells (EG301) overproducing DipM. Cells were grown in PYE with 0.3% xylose for 17 h then prepared for cryoEM imaging. Bar = 200 nm. D. Cryo electron micrographs of cells (EG353) depleted of DipM. Cells were grown in PYE with 0.2% glucose for 11 h prior to cryo-plunging for cryo EM. Bar = 200 nm.