Effect of Crc on the activity of key enzymes of the TOL pathway. Strain KT2442(pWW0) and its isogenic crc-deficient derivative KT2442C(pWW0) were grown in LB medium in the presence or absence of 3MBA. At mid-exponential phase, cells were collected and disrupted by sonication. The specific activity of the enzymes BADH (A), BZDH (B), and C23O (C) was determined in the cell extracts as indicated under “Experimental Procedures.” D shows the repression exerted by Crc on the induction of BADH, BZDH, and C23O, expressed as the ratio of enzyme activity observed under induced conditions (+3MBA) for the crc-deficient strain versus that observed for the wild type (wt) strain. mUnits, milliunits; −3MBA, non-induced conditions. The S.E. is indicated.