SEM images of mature enamel cross-sections in NBCe1−/− mouse incisors. This Fig. shows the mature enamel regions of wild-type (A, B, and C), NBCe1+/− (D, E, and F), and NBCe1−/− (G, H, and I). Incisors were dissected and air-dried and mechanically fractured perpendicular to the enamel surface at approximately the same anatomical region of the erupted crowns and then imaged by SEM. The dentin-enamel junction is clearly apparent in all teeth. Enamel thickness measurements from fractured surfaces does not provide accurate linear measurements; however, each of the NBCe1−/− mice showed less thickness than wild-type or NBCe1+/− littermates, which was confirmed by micro-CT analyses (data not shown). The prismatic enamel in a cross-section of wild-type and NBCe1+/− mice are very similar, and the same applies to the outer surface of the enamel. However, NBCe1−/− enamel architecture and outer enamel surface topography appears abnormal. Scale bar: A, D, and G, 50.0 μm; B, E, and H, 10.0 μm; and C, F, and I, 20.0 μm.