Dose-dependent inhibition of BMP2- and BMP6-mediated gene expression by RGMc50 and RGMc40. BMP2 or BMP6 (100 ng/ml) were preincubated for 3 h at 20 °C with various concentrations of Noggin-Fc (Nog-Fc), IgG1-Fc (Fc), or RGMc proteins, and after addition to cells for 4 h, hepcidin, SMAD7, ID1, and S17 mRNA levels were analyzed by RT-PCR. A, Nog-Fc, 2–20-fold molar excess; Fc, 100-fold molar excess; RGMc50-Fc, 2–40-fold molar excess over BMP. B, Nog-Fc, 4–10-fold molar excess; Fc, 100-fold molar excess; RGMc40-Fc, 2–40-fold molar excess over BMP. C, Nog-Fc, 10-fold molar excess; RGMc40-Fc (R40-Fc), 10-fold molar excess; RGMc40 (R40), 10-fold molar excess; Fc, 100-fold molar excess over BMP.