[Ca2+]c responses to dopamine are dependent on intracellular Ca2+ stores in astrocytes. A, removal of external Ca2+ (Ca2+-free HBSS with 0.5 mm EDTA) delays the onset of the DA-induced Ca2+ responses in astrocytes, but does not abolish it. B, depletion of the intracellular Ca2+ pool by application of the inhibitor of ER Ca2+ pump, thapsigargin (0.5 μm), abolishes the DA-induced Ca2+ signal in astrocytes. C, changes in [Ca2+]c in response to DA are dependent on the presence of the inhibitor of phospholipase C U73122 (5 μm). D, application of the inhibitor of IP3 receptor and capacitive calcium entrance 2-APB (20 μm) blocked the effect of DA in astrocytes. E, in the presence of external 100 μm Mn2+, the fura-2 response excited at 360 nm showed no change during the [Ca2+]c transients in astrocytes, demonstrating that this is close to the isosbestic [Ca2+]c-independent excitation wavelength for fura-2, confirming that the DA-induced Ca2+ signal in astrocytes is independent of external Ca2+.