A set of shared progenitor markers is detected in ducts of young regenerating foci at Px +3-4 days. Immunostaining showed that ducts in young regenerating foci express proteins, mainly transcription factors, normally expressed in embryonic ductal progenitors. (A) Multiple progenitor proteins Sox9 (red), Tcf2 (green) and Pdx1 (blue) are expressed in the same ductules, as seen in embryonic duct epithelium. (B) Sox9 and Tcf2 co-localize in PanCk+ (blue) ductal epithelium in young foci, but not in acini of remnant tissues. (C) FoxA2 protein (green) is induced in E-cadherin+ (red) ductal epithelium. (D) Nkx6.1 (green) is expressed in ductal epithelium of foci (PanCk in red). (E) Glut-2 (green) is also detected in insulin (blue)-negative ductules (PanCk, red). Scale bars: 50 μm.