IKKα and IKKβ are both necessary to elicitHMGB1-induced neutrophil peritonitis in mice. A, HMGB1 (~ 9 μg) or TNF-α (100 ng) were injected in the peritoneal cavities of WT, IKKαf/f:MLysCre, and IKKβf/f: MLysCre mice. The i.p. lavages were done after ~4 h. Cells were stained with a FITC-conjugated anti–Gr-1 Ab and submitted to flow cytometry to quantify neutrophils (Gr-1Hi cell subset). Bars are the mean numbers of Gr-1Hi cells in three to four animals per group. Error bars are SEM. **p = 0.01. B, Diff-Quick–stained slides of the same i.p. lavages in A were prepared to distinguish polymorphonuclear neutrophils from other immune effector cells on the basis of their unique nuclear morphology. Three to five mice were analyzed in each group. Error bars are SEM. *p = 0.03