Figure 6.
Structure of baNadD-1_02_3 complex. A). Compound 1_02_3 (blue sticks) binds between two baNadD monomers (colored cyan and light cyan), which have a difference interface from that in the 1_02_1 complex. The two monomers of baNadD in the 1_02_1 complex are colored light pink with one monomer superimposed onto the cyan monomer of the 1_02_3 complex. B). The Fo-Fc omit map for 1_02_3. C). Superposition of the three enzyme-bound Class 1 inhibitors showing the common aromatic binding site as well as differences in the binding mode of each compound. The protein molecules in the 1_02_1 and 1_02_3 complexes are shown in light pink and cyan, respectively. D). Detailed interactions between 1_02_3 and baNadD residues.