Effect of PAN treatment on urinary excretion of proteins and sodium. A. Effect of PAN in rats. PAN-treated (150 mg/kg body wt at day 0, solid lines) and -untreated rats (dotted lines) were housed in metabolic cages and their daily excretion of sodium (circles) and proteins (triangles) was monitored for 7 days. Results, expressed as a function of creatinine excretion, are means ± SE from 6 rats in each group. Statistical significance between treated and untreated rats was assessed by unpaired Student's t test: **, p < 0,025; ***, p < 0,001. B and C. Effect of PAN in wild type and ADAtg mice. Wild type (dotted lines) and ADAtg mice (solid lines) received a single (B) or two (C) injections of PAN (150 mg/kg body wt at day 0 and day 4, arrows) and were monitored for 7-10 days for urinary excretion of sodium (circles) and proteins (triangles). Results, expressed as a function of creatinine excretion, are means ± SE from 6 mice in each group except the ADAtg group treated once (n = 9). Values statistically different from controls (day 0) were assessed by variance analysis followed by Bonferonni test: *, p < 0.05.