Fig. 2.
(A) Nuclear staining of female reproductive system of T. castaneum. Ovaries were dissected from the female beetles and stained by DAPI at 5 days after injection of malE, TcAP-4, TcHLH106 and TcFer2 dsRNA. Scale bar 100 μm.
Fig. 2. (B) Effect of Knock-down in the expression of bHLH superfamily genes on the development of oocytes in the female beetles. TcHypoxia, TcDysfusion, TcTango, TcTrachealess, TcSim2, TcHairy, TcDeadpan, TcSpineless, TcSide1, TcMyc, TcMax, TcFer2, TcBeta3, Tc Emc, TcHLH106 and TcAP-4 gene dsRNAs were injected into female beetles with in 24 h after emergence. Ovaries were dissected and scored at 5 days after injection of dsRNA. The ooctye stages 1–7 were determined as described in the Materials and Methods section. Mean score ± SE of ten individual beetles are shown. Paired T-test with unequal mean of variances was performed at P ≤ 0.05.
Fig. 2. (C) Effect of knock-down in the expression of bHLH superfamily genes on the Vg gene expression in the females injected with dsRNA. DsRNAs of MalE, TcBeta3, TcFer2, TcEmc, TcHairy, TcAP-4, TcMyc, TcSide1, TcHypoxia, TcSpineless, TcHLH106, TcTango, TcDysfusion, TcSim2, TcDeadpan, TcMax, TcTrachealess were injected into the females within 24h after adult emergence. At 5 days after injection, the RNAi females were used to quantify the Vg mRNA levels. Relative expression values for all the genes were calculated by keeping malE as 100%. Mean ± SE (n=3) are shown. Paired T-test with unequal mean of variances was performed at P ≤ 0.05.