Figure 5.
Neurodegeneration of the brains of CaMKII-TDP-43 Tg mice. (A) Representative immunofluorescent images showing GFAP staining (green) in the hippocampus and cortex (CX) of 2-mo-old TDP-43 Tg and WT mice. Nuclei were labeled by DAPI (blue). CA1, CA1 layer; CA3, CA3 layer; DG, dentate gyrus. Bars, 100 µm. (B) Representative Western blotting patterns of the urea-soluble fractions of the brain extracts from the cortexes and hippocampi of the WT mice and Tg+/+ mice at 2 mo and 6 mo, respectively. The arrow points to the unmodified form of TDP-43. Results in A–C are representative of five independent experiments.