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. 2010 Aug;187(3):843–858. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03321.x

Table 1.

Significance of the effects of girdling, fertilization and sampling month on various soil parameters derived from an analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Year 1
Year 2
Soil parameter m (df = 5) g (df = 1) g × m (df = 5) m (df = 5) f (df = 1) f × m (df = 5) m (df = 6) g (df = 1) g × m (df = 6) m (df = 6) f (df = 1) f × m (df = 6)
Soil water content *** *** *** *** ns ns *** *** * *** ns ns
Cellobiosidase *** ns ns *** ns ns *** ns ° *** ns ns
Chitinase *** ° ns *** ns ns *** ** ns ** ns ns
N-Acetylglucosaminidase *** ns ns *** ns ns *** ns ** *** ns ns
Leu-peptidase *** ns ns *** ns ns *** ns *** *** ns ns
Phenoloxidasea *** ° *** *** ns ns *** ns *** *** * ***
Peroxidasea *** *** ** *** ns ns *** ns *** *** *** ***
Actual proteaseb *** *** ns ** ns ns *** *** ° *** ns *
Glucose productionc *** *** ** *** ns ns *** ** *** *** ° ns
DOC ** ns ns ** ns ns *** ns ns *** ns *
Total dissolved N (dN) *** *** *** *** * ns *** *** *** *** ** ns
DOC: dN *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *** ** **
CCA1 *** ns ns *** * *** *** ns ns *** ns °
CCA2 * *** ** ns ns ns ** *** ns * * ns

Presented are levels of significance resulting from factorial ANOVAs (with month and treatment as factors) conducted separately for the girdling and fertilization treatments, and for each year of the experiment. DOC, dissolved organic carbon; m, month of sampling; g, girdling; f, fertilization; g × m and f × m, interactions of month and treatment. The number of replicates for the first and second years was n = 72 (six samplings) and n = 84 (seven samplings), respectively. Degrees of freedom (df) for each factor are indicated in the table headings, with the following exceptions.


n = 72 and df (m and m × treatment) = 5 for year 2;


n = 60 and df (m and m × treatment) = 4 for year 1;


n = 48 and df (m and m × treatment) = 3 for year 1. CCA1, CCA2, sampling scores of the first two axes of the canonical correspondence analysis (Fig. 6, Supporting Information Fig. S2).

Significance levels:


P < 0.001;


P < 0.01;


P < 0.05;


P < 0.1.

ns, not significant.