In vivo efficacy against S. aureus ATCC 29213 (year 2005) at a low inoculum (4.13 log10 CFU per thigh when subcutaneous treatment q1h started), after some makers of generics acquired manufacturing secrets from Eli Lilly. Vancomycin generic products were compared with the innovator (VAN-Lilly) in dose-effect experiments (18.75 to 300 mg/kg per day) using the neutropenic mouse thigh infection model (each data point represents the mean CFU/g of both thighs from a single mouse). VAN-Abbott France, VAN-Baxter, and VAN-Lilly fitted to the Hill model and were indistinguishable (P = 0.7681). VAN-Proclin, on the other hand, displayed again the Eagle effect, fitting the Gaussian instead of the Hill model, as happened before 2005.