FIG. 4.
Roles of the RA1 domain and regulatory region in Epac1 localization. (A to D) Localization of GFP-tagged Epac1, Epac1RA2, Epac1Δ295, and Epac1Δ295RA2 in HEK293 cells by confocal live imaging. Upper panels show representative distributions of the indicated constructs. Lower panels show the intensity profiles across the lines in the photos. y axis, fluorescence intensity; x axis, line scan pixel coordinates; dotted lines, levels of fluorescence intensity in the cytoplasm. Bars, 10 μm. (E) Quantification of the relative fluorescence intensities of GFP-tagged Epac1 and mutants at the perinuclear rim and within the nucleus (means ± standard errors of the means; *, P < 0.01). AU, artificial units. See Materials and Methods for details.