Influence of the ComP status (active/inactive) on the transformation efficiencies of B. licheniformis MW3 derivatives and on gene expression during transformation. (A) Transformation efficiencies of B. licheniformis MW3.1 (ComP−, ΔpyrE) and of MK1.1 (ComP+, ΔpyrE) using different amounts (3 or 5 μg) of chromosomal DSM13ΔspoIV-DNA to regain uracil prototrophy. (B) Transformation efficiencies of polyglutamate-negative strains B. licheniformis MW4.1 (ComP−, ΔpyrE, Δpga) and B. licheniformis MK2.1 (ComP+, ΔpyrE, Δpga) after different cultivation times after medium exchange. (C) RT-PCR analyses of isolated RNA from B. licheniformis MW4.1 (ComP−, ΔpyrE, Δpga) and B. licheniformis MK2.1 (ComP+, ΔpyrE, Δpga). −RT, negative controls without reverse transcriptase; M, 100-bp DNA ladder (gene ruler; Fermentes, St-Leon-Roth, France); RpsE, ribosomal protein; ComA, response regulator; ComK, main transcriptional activator of natural competence; ComGB, DNA transport protein; RecA, multifunctional protein involved in homologous recombination and DNA repair.