Table 3.
Clinical Characteristics of Patients With Objective Responses
Age, y/Sex | Baseline LDH | No. of Prior Therapies | Disease Sites | Best Response | Time to Response, mo | Response Duration, mo | OS, mo |
76/Man | 113 | 3 | Lung, soft tissue | irCRa | 3.5 | 10.2+ | 13.7+ |
78/Woman | 160 | 3 | Lung, soft tissue, bone | irPR | 2.4 | 2.8 | 8.3 |
62/Man | 92 | 4 | Soft tissue | irCRb | 5.2 | 6.2+ | 11.4+ |
66/Man | 121 | 2 | Lung, soft tissue, lymph node | irCR | 5.6 | 5.6+ | 11.2+ |
62/Man | 171 | 3 | Lung, lymph node | irPR | 4.3 | 6+ | 10.3+ |
47/Man | 210 | 1 | Lymph node | irCRc | 2.6 | 4.4+ | 7.0+ |
LDH indicates lactate dehydrogenase; OS, overall survival; irCR, immune-related complete response; irPR, immune-related partial response.
This patient experienced a complete response to ipilimumab and surgery.
This patient received radiotherapy prior to study entry.
This patient was found to have achieved a pathologic complete response when the only metastatic site was resected.