Figure 7.
Distribution of annotated sequences for the LEE-1 cell line under the Gene Ontology classification “Biological Process.” Gene ontology annotations and functional analyses of SAE unique sequences were carried out with automated software Blast2GO. Go-annotated blast hits (1575) were assigned into three standard classifications: Biological Processes, Molecular Functions and Cellular Components. Within the classification of Biological Processes a total of 5020 sequences were identified. Number of sequences varies among classifications because a single gene product may be described by several terms in the three classifications. Categories expressed as a percentage of the total are: Multicellular organismal process, 5.7% Negative regulation of biological process, 3.2%; Localization, 5.9%: Establishment of localization, 5.0%: Biological regulation, 11.6%: Developmental process, 10.0%: Metabolic process, 17.6%: Cellular process, 23.3%: Response to stimulus, 4.2%: Regulation of biological process, 10.7%: Positive regulation of biological process, 2.7%. LEE-1 cells showed a somewhat higher percentage of sequences in the “developmental process” category than did SAE cells (Figure 4).