Identification of De Novo t(8;22) in Sperm and PATRR8 Genotyping
(A) Results of der(8)t(8;22) and der(22)t(8;22) PCR on sperm DNA from a healthy male (sperm no.5). PCR primers were used to generate t(8;22)-specific translocation products using 100 ng aliquots of sperm DNA as template (1–16). The arrows indicate the expected size of the junction fragments, and the stars denote positive reactions. All positive reactions were sequenced and correspond to the expected junction-fragment sequences.
(B) Results of PATRR8 PCR from genomic DNA. Arrows indicate the four differently sized products. They are denoted long (L), medium (M), short (S), and super-short (SS). The star indicates genomic DNA from sperm no. 5 (sample shown in A).