Fig. 6.
Growth inhibition and induction of apoptosis by as-miR-27a, ZBTB10, and Sp knockdown. Panc1 and L3.6pL cells were transfected with as-miR-27a (A), ZBTB10 expression plasmid (B), and small inhibitory RNAs against Sp transcription factors (C and D), and their effects on cell proliferation and induction of PARP cleavage were determined as described under Materials and Methods. Western blots are typical of at least two replicate determinations. Cell numbers are given as means ± S.E. of three replicate determinations. Significant (P < 0.05) growth inhibition is indicated (*). RNA interference decreased expression of individual Sp proteins approximately 60 to 80% as described previously (Chadalapaka et al., 2008a, 2010).