The percentage of mice with prostate tumors was determined at 35 days intervals in Ahr+/+, Ahr+/-, and Ahr-/- C57BL/6J TRAMP mice 35–210 days of age [40]. Starting at 140 days of age, chi-square analysis revealed a significant increase in prostate tumor incidence in TRAMP mice deficient in one or both functional Ahr alleles. A single asterisk denotes a significant difference from Ahr+/+ TRAMP mice and a double asterisk denotes a significant difference from both Ahr+/+ and Ahr+/- TRAMP mice (p < 0.05). The number of Ahr+/+, Ahr+/-, and Ahr-/- mice, respectively in each age group were: 35 days (20, 32 and 22), 70 days (20, 49 and 22), 105 days (14, 45 and 20), 140 days (19, 55 and 21), 175 days (19, 46 and 18) and 210 days (24, 43 and 18).