Northern blot of D. vulgaris and the Δ(qmoABC-DVU0851) mutant probed for apsA-containing transcript. Determination of apsA-containing transcript from RNA samples of D. vulgaris (lanes 1, 2, 4, and 5) and deletion mutant JW9021 [Δ(qmoABC-DVU0851)] (lanes 3 and 6) grown on lactate-sulfate (60 mM-30 mM) (lanes 1 and 4) or lactate-sulfite (60 mM-40 mM) (lanes 2, 3, 5, and 6) medium. The RNA was probed with an internal fragment of apsA. The agarose gel (lanes 4 to 7) and developed film (lanes 1 to 3) are shown. An RNA ladder (Promega) was also included (lane 7).