2-Bromoethanesulfonate is a time- and concentration-dependent inactivator of 2-KPCC. Panel A, time- and concentration-dependent inactivation of 2-KPCC by BES. 2-KPCC was incubated with various concentrations of BES, followed by removal of residual BES and assay of 2-KPCC activity as described under “Experimental Procedures.” Symbols: ●, no BES; ■, 0.125 mm BES; □, 0.50 mm BES; Δ, 1.0 mm BES; 224, 2.0 mm BES; ▴, 3.0 mm BES; ▾, 5.0 mm BES; ○, 9.43 mm BES. Pseudo first-order rate constants (kobs) were determined by fitting the data in panel A to Equation 2. Panel B, plot of pseudo first-order rate constants for inactivation (kobs) versus BES concentration. The line through the data points was generated by nonlinear least-squares fit to the rectangular hyperbola in Equation 3. Panel B, inset, double-reciprocal plot of the data. The line through the data points was derived from the non-linear fit of kobs versus [BES].