Inhibition of eLVP lipid mixing by monoclonal antibodies is dependent on pH. TRL particles produced in Caco-2 cells and positive for HCV E1-E2 were incubated for 20 min on ice at indicated pH without (black bars) or with 25 μg/ml of monoclonal antibodies against HCV E2 (H48, green bars), apoB 100 and apoB 48 (1D1, blue bars), apoB 100 (5E11, yellow bars), or with 60 μg/ml of the irrelevant antibody against measles virus H protein (irrelevant, red bars). The Ab/particles mixture was then added to a 37 °C-thermostated cuvette containing R18-labeled liposomes in a buffer at similar pH, and lipid mixing was recorded. Results shown for one representative set of data, obtained from one batch of eLVP (of three tested).