Figure 3.
Profile of spontaneous and sucrose-reinforced responding in NVHL and sham rats. NVHL rats show non-significant trends for (A) increased spontaneous lever-press responses in an initial 1-h test, and (B) latency to reach habituation criterion (number of sessions to ≤ 10 total lever responses/hour). C. NVHL animals acquire sucrose pellet self-administration (FR3) with shorter latencies to criterion (three consecutive sessions receiving the maximum 100 sucrose pellets) relative to shams. D. Response rates during the initial two extinction tests are similar in NVHL and sham rats at both sucrose-paired and inactive levers. E. The latency to reach extinction criterion is also similar (number of sessions to reach ≤ 15 responses on sucrose-paired lever). Data are presented as the mean ± SEM, *p < .05 by 2-tailed t-test.