Intestinal cultures from juvenile and adult mice. (a–h) Histology of jejunal culture at day 7 from 3-week-old (a–f) or 26-week-old mice (g,h). Staining for H&E (a,b,g,h), PCNA (c,d) or CD44 (e,f) is depicted. (i,j) RSpo1-Fc treatment permitted longer-term jejunal culture (day 28) from 8-week-old adult intestine. Stereomicroscopy (i) and H&E staining (j) is depicted. Arrows indicate highly proliferative, PCNA+ crypt-like structures, which invaginated from the sphere wall into the surrounding collagen matrix. Arrowheads indicate quiescent PCNA– villus-like protrusions. Numerous sludged or dead cells are present in the sphere lumen, indicated by the asterisk.