Figure 3. Multiple Domains Along the GnRH-1 neuronal migratory route.
A. Schematic of GnRH-1 neuronal migration at E12.5-E14.5. Blue dots = GnRH-1 neurons. Np=nasal pit, oe=olfactory epithelium, ob = olfactory bulb, nfj = nasal forebrain junction. B. Schematic of axons in nasal area at E12.5-E14.5. Axons form pathways to NFJ, through the cribriform plate and predominately enter olfactory bulbs (OB), but a small subset of axons form pathway caudally on which the GnRH-1 neurons migrate (dotted line). C and D. During their movement GnRH-1 neurons are exposed to multiple regulatory domains along the migratory route (light green; nasal pit, blue; olfactory epithelium, pink; nasal mesenchyme, white; nasal forebrain junction, blue line; transient pathway, red; basal forebrain, dark green; GnRH-1 cells themselves or other migrating cells along pathway. C= parasagittal; D=coronal, nmc = nasal midline cartilage.