Schematic depiction of electrophysiological (A) and behavioral (B) experimental protocols. A. Electrophysiological protocol. During electrophysiological recordings, odor responses were first measured (Pre) by presenting a 2-second odor stimulus five times with 120 sec interstimulus intervals (response testing protocol). The adaptation protocol, consisting of four fifty-second presentations of the same odorant separated by five-minute intertrial intervals, was then administered. In separate experiments, stimulus duration and ITIs were varied independently of each other. Five and sixty minutes after the end of the last adaptation trial (Post), the response testing protocol was again delivered. Bi. Behavioral protocol. Rats were presented with a weighing dish containing either mineral oil (MO) or the habituation/test odorant. Bii. After a single presentation of mineral oil alone, the habituation/test odorant was presented for four consecutive trials, separated by five minute intertrial intervals, and then twice more at 30 and 60 minutes’ latency following the last habituation trial.