Fig. 4.
Induction of dyskinesias by daily L-DOPA and apomorphine treatment using a dose-escalation regimen. The animals were scored three times at each dose level for development of abnormal involuntary movements (AIMs). Chronic L-DOPA administration was carried out over 21 d of three 7-d treatment blocks or 6 mg/kg, 12 mg/kg, and 24 mg/kg (A). DA receptor stimulation was done by administration of apomorphine at 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5 mg/kg doses over 15 d (B). Some animals that have completed the apomorphine sensitization regimen were challenged with a single dose of 24 mg/kg L-DOPA on day 16 (C). Data are shown as median values in all panels. In A and B the error bars show 75% percentiles, whereas in C box plots mark the 50% percentiles and the whiskers indicate 95% percentiles. Statistical comparisons in A and B were performed using Friedman test, time effect P < 0.0001, group effect P < 0.0001. Individual comparisons in A, B, and C were performed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and P values were compensated for false discovery rates. *Different from intact and shTHscr controls.