Sequences and overexpression of miR310s. (A) Mature sequences of the miR310s cluster in D. melanogaster (Dm310s) and D. pseudoobscura (Dp310s) and their phylogeny. The seed is highly conserved except for a C→G change at the eighth position of one Dps310s sequence. Nucleotides that differ from the Dme-miR-310 sequence are indicated. Phylogenetic reconstruction among the mature sequences of miR310s was done using the neighbor-joining method with Kimura's two-parameter distances. (B) RT-PCR of Dm310s and Dp310s. RT-PCR was performed for each member of miR310s in the progeny L3 larvae of the cross of NP5941 and w1118 (control; Top), Dm310s (Middle), and Dp310s (Bottom) with the 2S rRNA as a control. Band intensities were normalized to 2S rRNA, and levels relative to 2S rRNA are indicated. (C) Relative transcript levels of miR310s in the control, Dm310s, and Dp310s lines were determined by semiquantitative RT-PCR. Band intensities were normalized to 2S rRNA as in Fig. 1B and then relative to the mean value of Dme-miR-310 in controls. In the Dp310s line, the values of homologous members of Dm310s and Dp310s were added. Bars indicate SEs (n = 3).