Figure 2.
Minicircle transcription assays. (A) Looped DNA topologies containing a highly bent promoter (arrow) are recreated with DNA minicircles, eliminating any influence on transcription owing to either the presence of a repressor protein or variations in bending and torsional stresses within supercoiled DNA. The minicircle template contains a T7 RNAP promoter sequence, a site at which T7 RNAP ECs will stall in the absence of UTP (shaded octagon), and a target sequence (shaded arc) from which the corresponding RNA transcript will hybridize to a designed molecular beacon sequence. (B) T7 RNAP (Efree) is incubated with the DNA template without UTP, and forms stalled ECs (Estalled) at some rate of complex formation (kfor). (C) Heparin addition inactivates free T7 RNAP (Efree(inhibited)). (D) UTP addition initiates transcription from active ECs (Eelong), which synthesize RNA at the elongation velocity (kcat). (E) Molecular beacons hybridize to target transcript sequence. (F) Elongating T7 RNAP detach from the template at some rate of dissociation (kdiss). (G) A simplified kinetic equation governing T7 RNAP behavior in the assay.