Figure 10.
Scaling of the maximum stress, σm, with L for nonbundled filamin networks. (A) The value σm increases with L. From prestress measurements (circles) or 0.1/s strain ramps (squares): RF = 0.001 (open), 0.003 (light shaded), 0.005 (medium shaded), and 0.01 (solid). (B) The value σm for samples of different compositions collapse onto a single curve when plotted versus RFL. Above RFL = 0.01, the data scale roughly linearly with RFL. L = 15 (circles), 10 (diamonds), 7 (inverted triangles), 5 (triangles), 2 (pentagons), and 1 (squares) μm. (Inset) The value σm grows as the logarithm of loading rate in stress ramps for networks with L = 15 μm, RF = 0.005.