Access facilitation: Services should be flexible, affordable, relevant, and responsive to the needs of all young people (regardless of age, sex, race, cultural background, religion, socioeconomic status, or any other factor).
Evidence-based practice: Services and their programs should be developed and regularly reviewed according to evidence of best practice from the most reliable and appropriate local, national, or international sources.
Youth participation: Young people should be involved in the development, implementation, review, and evaluation of services and programs in ways that create a sense of mutual respect and a sense of ownership of, importance to, influence within, and belonging to that service or program.
Collaboration: Service providers within a service, as well as different services within and across sectors, who share common service goals and target groups, should network, communicate, and work together to plan, deliver, review, and evaluate their service provision to young people with a clear delineation of responsibilities.
Professional development: Appropriate, adequate, and ongoing professional development, support, and supervision should be available to health service providers working with young people.
Sustainability: Services should develop and implement strategies to optimize funding for the service or program, where appropriate.
Evaluation: Services should regularly examine the relevance, quality, and results of their programs using appropriate evaluation methods, which should include measuring the outcomes of the service for young people and service providers against program goals, objectives, and indicators.